


Type of business

Yoga studio


Website sprint

Harmonia is a yoga studio dedicated to creating a welcoming and peaceful space where people can find balance and well-being through the practice of yoga and meditation. In this project, we've focused on conveying its values with a website that reflects its essence.

Harmonia is a yoga studio dedicated to creating a welcoming and peaceful space where people can find balance and well-being through the practice of yoga and meditation. In this project, we've focused on conveying its values with a website that reflects its essence.

Web design for a yoga studio — Web design at Nabiu Studio
Web design for a yoga studio — Web design at Nabiu Studio
Web design for a yoga studio — Web design at Nabiu Studio
Web design for a yoga studio — Web design at Nabiu Studio

The full landing page of Harmonia

Will the next one be your website?

Will the next one be your website?

Will the next one be your website?

Will the next one be your website?

Nabiu Studio
Nabiu Studio
Nabiu Studio
Nabiu Studio — Web Design